Important Update: Expense Report Submission Deadline Will Shift to 60 Days on July 1, 2025.
What’s Changing: Starting July 1, 2025, the deadline for submitting expense reports in Concur will be reduced from 182 days to 60 days. This change ensures compliance with IRS Publication 463, which now mandates expense reports be submitted within 60 days of the trip end date or the date a non-travel expense is incurred.
Why Change: Shifting to 60 days is critical to maintaining financial accountability and mitigating potential risk —particularly related to grant funding—by ensuring Penn adheres to IRS requirements.
Key Details: Starting July 1, 2025, expense reports must be submitted for the first time within 60 days.
- For Travel Expenses: Those submitting expense reports will be required to enter a trip begin date and an end date for all travel in Concur. The 60-day window will be measured from the trip's end date.
- For Non-Travel Expenses: The 60-day window will begin on the date the expense is incurred. Please note that if you have paid for out-of-pocket expenses related to a trip, such as conference registration fees or airfare, all expenses can go on the trip’s expense report.
- Tax Implications: Expenses submitted after 60 days (that do not have an approved exception) will be treated as taxable income and may be subject to withholding.
Implementation Timeline: Expense reports submitted for the first time before July 1, 2025 will still follow the 182-day policy. Expense reports submitted for the first time on or after July 1, 2025 will fall under the new 60-day policy.
It’s highly recommended that expenses related to Spring travel be submitted before July 1, 2025, to avoid falling under the 60-day rule.
Additional Information:
- Reimbursements for expenses will occur the same way as they do today.
- For any questions, please reach out to your School or Center Business Office. You can also find additional information here – your School or Center has also received this information.